League Structure: National, State, Local

The League functions on three levels -- local, state, and national.  Each level focuses on issues appropriate to its area's governance. Local Leagues' members are automatically members of the state, and national bodies.  Members receive literature from all levels, may attend workshops and forums, and are eligible to sit on the various Boards and be named as delegates to conventions and councils.

Note: In our area, we also have a regional league that serves the National Capital Area – DC, Virginia, Maryland.

The National League (LWV USA)

  • Leads national studies on issues to form consensus or concurrence on policy positions adopted by members at the local, state, etc. levels at biennial national conventions held in the summers of even years.
  • Advocates on federal issues before Congress or federal agencies based on established LWV positions.
  • Participates in litigation related to positions.
  • Forms and joins coalitions/partnerships with other organizations to advocate nationally on issues related to positions.
  • Manages Vote411 nationally and coordinates with national candidates to provide their platform information for the Vote411 guide.

The State League(s) - e.g. LWV MD

  • Advocates on state issues before state legislatures and agencies.
  • Leads state studies on issues to form state-level consensus/concurrence on policy positions adopted by local Leagues.
  • Forms and join coalitions/partnerships with other organizations to advocate on statewide issues.
  • Establishes legislative and program priorities determined by consensus among members of local units.
  • Manages Vote411 at the state level and coordinates with state candidates to provide information on candidate priorities and positions.

Our Local League - Howard County

  • Advocates on local issues before city and county legislative bodies.
  • Establishes legislative and program priorities based on consensus among local unit members. All positions must adhere to LWVUS positions.
  • Forms and joins coalitions/partnerships with other organizations to advocate on local issues.

Howard County League Organization

Our local league is made up of members, like you, and we encourage everyone to join!

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of officers and directors.  The officers serve for two years and are defined as: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The directors; serve for one year.  These roles can be elected or appointed and include a variety of leadership roles including Programs, Actions and Advocacy, Membership, Newsletter, Voter Services, Environment, etc.


Committees are small groups of members who meet to discuss issues and plan events, for example, organizing a voter registration drive.