Register Voters - help make Democracy Work!
During September and October 2024 the Howard County League of Women Voters has several opportunities to register voters and educate our citizens. We are using SignUp Genius to manage our volunteers, please click the link next to the activity that interests you. We will provide you with handouts and materials.
Staff a table at Merriweather Post
The League has worked with Merriweather Post to agree upon dates. You will set up a table and provide voters with information on how to register to vote, how to vote and where to find good information on the candidates.
Click Here for the Merriweather Volunteer Sign Up Page
Staff a table at Various Locations in Howard County
Review the list of locations which include libraries and local community centers. You will set up a table and provide voters with information on how to register to vote, how to vote and where to find good information on the candidates.
Click Here to Volunteer
Bundle and Deliver Voters Guides
Our printed Voters Guides should be available near the end of September. We need people who are willing to help us bundle batches at our office space on Pautuxent Woods Drive. We also need drivers who will pick up bundles of the guides and deliver the guides to assigned locations.
Our office space is located at 9770 Pautuxent Woods Drive, Suite 312
Click Here for the List of Delivery Locations
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