CANCELLED: Education Report at April Unit Meeting
In this time of uncertainty, we have decided to cancel the Unit Meeting which was to be held on April 1, 2020 at Historic Oakland. With the continuing fear of the spread COVID – 19 and with the consideration of the health and safety of our members, we are following the advice of local, state and national leaders who are urging all citizens to take extra precautions at this time.
This meeting was scheduled to hear the report of the Equity in Education Study Committee, to discuss the report and to reach concurrence to possibly change our Position. There is not a deadline for doing this and in conversation with both Krista Threefoot, LWVHC Director of Education, and Beth Hufnagel, LWVHC President, it was decided to move this important meeting to the first Unit Meetings in September.
You will receive specific information about the date, time, and place for our September meetings in August. You will also receive the link to the Education Study again. In the meantime, if you would like to peruse the information and the data in the report, you can find it online in the March Voter beginning on page 5.
Also, we have not canceled our May Unit Meetings, so please watch for information regarding the status of those meetings. Susan Fingerman is scheduled to report on the study done by the LWVMD on Civic Education in our schools. There is not a call for concurrence in this study. Also, in May we plan to gather ideas for Unit Meetings for the 2020-2021 League year. We hope that we will see you in May with lots of your ideas.
We also hope that you are well and continue to stay healthy during this time of crisis.
CANCELLED: Education Report at April 1 Unit Meeting
With the spread of the coronavirus (COVID–19) and in consideration of the health and safety of our members, we are following the advice of local, state and national leaders and postponing next week’s League of Women Voters’ meetings on March 18 and 19, 2020.
The meetings are being tentatively rescheduled as one meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room on the lower level of Historic Oakland.
Of course, this is dependent on the state of the outbreak near the end of March. As of today, schools are scheduled to reopen on March 30th and Historic Oakland is also scheduled to reopen by April 1, 2020. Hopefully, this will happen, however we will reassess this new date in late March and notify all members of the status of the meeting.
The March meetings were scheduled to hear the report of the Equity in Education Study Committee, to discuss the report and to reach concurrence. Reaching concurrence is necessary before making any changes to our Education “Position” statements.
We urge you to take some time in the next few weeks to read the LWVHC’s Equity in Education Study Background Paper and the Study Questions. They will give insight into the discussions that we need to have before reaching concurrence. The Background Paper and the Study Questions can be found in the March Voter beginning on page 5. The Voter is online.
We hope that you are well and continue to be during this time of crisis.
Take care and hopefully we will see you in early April.
LWV of Howard County
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