Subject:  LWVHC - Important Request for LWVNCA - Please Read, React, and Return

The LWV of the National Capital Area (LWVNCA) is seeking input from the LWVHC for their 2019 -2021 Program Planning. This information is due to the LWVNCA by February 15, 2019 and because we will not have a Unit Meeting until after that date, would you please complete this survey and send it by return email no later than Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 8:00 p.m. LWVHC responses will be shared at the Board meeting on February 7, 2019 and approved before being reported to the LWVNCA by February 15, 2019.

Note: All LWVHC members have received this information via email and it may be easier to respond to the survey below via return email. Please use any method that makes it easy for you to share your thoughts.

Your help is greatly appreciated. 

The survey has two questions:

  1. Current LWVNCA Positions:  The LWVNCA has nine positions that are described in the 2018-2019 LWVHC Handbook on pages 22- 24. You received a PDF copy of the Handbook in August 2018.  Please read these positions in our Handbook. They can also be found at the LWVNCA website at  The positions include Airports, Beltway Safety, Comprehensive Health Planning, Controlled Substances, D.C. Financing, Land Use/Housing, Regional Governance, Transportation, and Water Resources.

Question 1:  Should any of these positions be edited, updated, or dropped or should they be retained as written and/or are there topics that should be added such as Election Security, Voter Suppression, Human Trafficking, or Marijuana Use and Regulation?


2:  Ideas for a Study or an Informational Forum by the LWVNCA: Possible ideas could include having a program on Celebrating the LWV's 100th Anniversary [Note: It will be centered nationally in D.C. in 2020.], or Charter Schools vs. Public Schools, or Fracking and Consequences, or any of the topics listed above such as Election Security, Voter Suppression, Human Trafficking, or Marijuana Use and Regulation.

Question 2:  In your opinion, what Studies or Informational Forums would be of interest to you and/or members of the LWVHC? 


Please list three of your ideas in priority order:



Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Please respond by Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.

Respond to Thea Jones at [email protected]


Thea Jones, Vice President/Program Director LWVHC

Patricia Buonaguro-Laidig


Patricia Buonaguro Laidig