Holiday Social Hour
Please join us on Thursday, Dec 8, 2022 for a holiday cookie social hour. This is a great opportunity to meet other League members, ask questions of your LWVHC Board members, and learn more about what our League does. New members are most especially welcome!
Board Meeting and Discussion about ...
Proposed legislation to change the rules for the election of the Howard County Board of Education.
Stay for the Board Meeting (7:00pm) and share your views on proposed legislation that would significantly change the rules for the election of the Howard County Board of Education (proposed Delegation bill, HoCo 10-23).
This proposed legislation would reduce the number of elected members of the BOE and provide for two members to be appointed by the County Executive from a list of candidates nominated by the Howard County Delegation to the Maryland General Assembly. For more details, see the Action Alert in the November Voter.
Your LVWHC Board wants and needs to hear from you about this important proposed change!
A Zoom link will be sent to members who wish to participate virtually. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you wish to receive the link.
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