the importance of soil biology to health and climate

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Oakland Manor
5430 Vantage Point Rd.

DR. SARA VIA, Professor of Biology & Entymology, University of Maryland

“Organisms in the soil, from microbes to mycorrhizae, have a huge impact on how plants grow and react to stress situations. It’s a wild world down there, and some of the interactions will surprise you! Building and maintaining soil health is essential for food production, the conservation of forests and natural areas, and climate-resilient gardening, agriculture, and forestry. Soil can even pull CO2 from the air to reduce climate change! Learn what healthy soil is, how you know if you have it, and how to build it if you don’t. After the talk, there will even be a hands-on demonstration of why soil health is important.” (Dr. Sara Via)

For information contact Betsy Singer at 410-730-7740. Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Howard County, Howard County Legacy Leadership Institute for the Environment (HoLLIE), and the Town Center Community Association
